This is a Media Wrap Up, which is a feature of the Price of Business Digital Network, which USA Daily Post is a member.
The New York Times Reports
Hundreds of Bodies, One Nurse: German Serial Killer Leaves as Many Questions as Victims
OLDENBURG, Germany — The new nurse arrived at the intensive-care unit of Delmenhorst hospital with a solid letter of reference, describing him as someone who worked “independently and conscientiously.” In a crisis, it said, he reacted “with consideration” and was “technically correct.”
It gave no indication that officials at his former hospital in Oldenburg, Germany, had grown deeply suspicious about the number of deaths while the nurse, Niels Högel, was on duty. Or that they had barred him from contact with patients and effectively pushed him out.
Before long, similar suspicions arose at Delmenhorst. Within four months, a patient, Brigitte A., died under his care. Others, Hans S., Christoph K. and Josef Z., followed. All were identified with only a last initial under German privacy laws.
Today, Mr. Högel, 42, is considered the most prolific serial killer in the history of peacetime Germany, and perhaps in the world. Officials suspect that as many as 300 patients may have died by his hand over five years starting in 2000.
Newsweek Reports:
EURO News Reports:
NBC News Reports:
The Price of Business Digital Network is the digital home of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show. It has several partner websites. The Price of Business show is distributed by USA Business Radio.