Lifestyle Seasons of Change in the New Work World

Seasons of Change in the New Work World

By Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC


With the change in season upon us as we move towards the Fall, I have been remembering a song that was popular when I was growing up by the group, The Bryds called “Turn, Turn, Turn.”  The lyrics of the song are taken almost verbatim from the book of Ecclesiastes, as found in the King James Version (1611) of the Bible, (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8).  The opening of the song goes something like this:

“To everything (turn, turn, turn)

There is a season (turn, turn, turn)

And a time to every purpose, under heaven”


Changing seasons are as certain as the rotation of the earth around the sun.  And yet the reality of “Change” has been more of a constant lately than ever before.  With the last few years affecting all of us in our personal and professional arenas, the unending season of change in our daily lives has started to become all too familiar.  Each individual is, of course, working hard to find their own rhythm in the midst of all these changes. As a Career Consultant for over thirty years, I am dedicated to finding innovative methods to help my clients navigate these changes in the New Work World, in a way that will be more seamless and productive for all involved.


Let’s take a look at some strategies you could implement, whether you are a candidate or an employer, that might make the transition into this new season of change more successful. Having a mindset of positivity is always a good place to start. When we dedicate our efforts towards any new goal or activity we must always start with the right mindset.


Every season has its benefits and drawbacks, but with a little strategic thinking we can learn to get the absolute best out of every season in our lives. Let’s look at the five (5) Step Faremouth Method, and explore how each might provide a roadmap that will allow us to reshape our personal and professional journey towards more of an “Endless Summer” or “Eternal Spring” as opposed to the “Brutal Winter” season that can take it’s toll on all activities.


1.      Do A Self-Inventory

If you are a client company or a candidate, evaluate where you are in the current Season of your own work environment.  If you are a manager and are having trouble retaining employees, consider what internal policies might make the workplace a more enjoyable place to work?  If some or all of your employees are hybrid, what might you do to have your employees feel more supported by management or the team?  If you are an employee and feel stagnant or unchallenged, could you put together a proposal to expand your work platform that would demonstrate how you could make a greater contribution to the company, and thereby have a positive effect on the bottom line? How could you demonstrate to your employer that you are invested in the company and are a valuable employee whose market worth might be an even greater asset to them?


2.     Ask Better Questions

I’m hearing these days that employers are having a challenge keeping good employees. Ask yourself what you could do to make your employees feel more valued, supported and involved in the day-to-day activities of the business, what changes could keep them from looking for a better position elsewhere? It’s not always money that keeps people happily employed with the same company for many years.  If you are an employee and you want that next promotion, ask yourself how you could become more valuable to the company. And if you are thinking of changing jobs, ask yourself even if you did accept an offer at more money, would the longer commute really be worth making the change with gas prices fluctuating much these days? Would that change bring you more quality of life or more work/life balance?


3.     Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Many employers are reluctant to hire people these days who don’t have every single requirement on the job order. But there is a major talent shortage at this time and we have many more jobs than people available. So how could hiring authorities step out of their comfort zone to look more closely at transferrable skills, passion and purpose as important requirements rather than just exact experience? Some of my most successful and longest- tenured placements have been candidates who had the passion and determination to do the job, whether or not their resumes or current skills were an exact match for the job requirements. How could you increase your value to your company by stepping out of your comfort zone? For example, if you notice that your company is changing computer systems to become more streamlined, could you investigate taking an online class in the evening to become more proficient in the skills that might really impress your manager or the IT Department, showing them that you are an employee who wants to make an even greater contribution?


4.     Take the Time to Do It Right

When a management team makes a fast hire or a candidate takes the very first job they are offered, it often turns out to be a bad decision for both parties.  It’s good for both sides of the hiring equation, namely the employer and employee, to know all of their options so that when a decision is made, both parties feel they have analyzed the best strategy for their future goals. Not taking the time to think fully through a change at this season in the New Work World can be a huge mistake that can become very costly for both employers and employees.


5.     Be A Hunter

Hunting for the best strategy that both employers and employees can utilize is key during these important seasons of change.  When you hunt for right solution and find the most successful strategy to a common problem or need, the satisfaction or that accomplishment can resonate with all. Be proactive and consider using assessment tools (like my “Revolutionary Reinvention” workbook) that can provide you with insight and a roadmap to streamline your process on the way to personal and professional success.


As the song, “Turn, Turn, Turn” goes on to say near the end, let’s all gather our stones together and make this season of change a time we may embrace. Together we can make this a season in which we all can gain more success and more peace in the New Work World!


Mary Ann Faremouth 

Mary Ann holds a CPC (Certified Personnel Consultant) credential, was certified by the Board of Regents of the National Association of Personnel Consultants in Washington, D.C., and was awarded an Advanced Communicator Bronze,  Advanced Leader Bronze Awards by Toastmasters. She cofounded Jobs: Houston magazine in 1997. Mary Ann maintains affiliations with professional organizations, including oil and gas, financial, construction, IT, and structural, mechanical, and civil engineering. (

Mary Ann’s award-winning first book Revolutionary Recruiting has been listed by Book Authority as Number #1 Best 100 Recruiting Books; #1 Best Seller, Non-Fiction, Amazon (2019); Top 20 Recruiting books, Recruitics; Readers’ Choice finalist (2019), Houston Literary Awards; Best Non-Fiction (2018), Best Cover (2019), and Best Self-Help (2018), Authors Marketing Guild. Her books support individuals and corporations, tap into each candidate’s unrealized potential to find the right person for each job, maximizing both employee satisfaction and the employer’s bottom line. Mary Ann showcases her expertise of the recruiting world on a monthly podcast for The Price of Business and weekly articles for USA Business.  Her new workbook, Revolutionary Reinvention, was recently released on Amazon. Mary Ann lives in Houston, Texas.

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