Business,Lifestyle 3 Advantages of Transformational Practices 

3 Advantages of Transformational Practices 

By Sally Bartolameolli & Kim Siongco,

At LORA Bridges ~ Leadership, Openness, Results & Awareness, we are committed to assisting individuals and organizations in learning transformational practices for building bridges.

This LORA article focuses on identifying the advantages of transformational communication.

Research suggests that behaviors practiced over 30 days become habits, and over 90 days become lifestyle changes.


Awareness is the greatest agent for change. ~ Eckhart Tolle


1. Self-Awareness – Whenever we show up in our professional or personal lives open to building bridges and committed to transformational communication, we will learn more about ourselves. Maturation is not easy. As a matter of fact, I’d suggest tension and discomfort are part of growth. For those committed to growing their businesses, their professional influence, and evolving as a human being, there will be opportunities for discomfort and self-awareness.

With self-awareness, we have more choices.

With self-awareness, we live more authentically.

With self-awareness, we have more agency to direct our energy as we desire, and evolve our emotional and spiritual intelligence.


It’s the unexpected that changes our lives. ~ Anonymous


2. Unexpected Possibilities – One of the many advantages and gifts that emerge from transformational communication is unanticipated, unexpected, and unimagined possibilities.

     Whenever we go into a communication without blame, without attachment, and open to understanding, we step into the unknown with a vision for and commitment to the highest good for all. At times, it may even seem miraculous-(something that excites, wonder or astonishment, extraordinary or a remarkable feat).

Whether we are religious, spiritual, or not, we can practice Intentional Detachment.

When we employ this practice and do not take things personally, we can direct, re-direct, and keep our focus on our visions for building bridges. This builds positive alliances and professional impact.


We are constantly invited to be who we are. ~ Henry David Thoreau

3. Authentic Connections with Ourselves & Others – In our introductory series on LORA practices, we talked about self-honesty. Authentic, intimate connection is important for health and well-being.

New research also suggests that warm regard and connections at work contribute to higher work performance, productivity, motivation, increased engagement, and loyalty – a few valuable advantages.

When we engage in transformational communication practices, we create connection, foster a learning environment, and are empowered to align our focus on specific, measurable results.

This is a culture that people want to be a part of.

This is a culture that makes a positive impact on individuals within the organization, and on the bottom-line.

There are many advantages that come from practices of transformational communication. The above list only taps the surface of possibilities.

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