Welcome to the latest episode of Igniting Your Dynamic Self with Wendy Bjork. Wendy is an international bestselling author, nationally syndicated columnist, inspirational speaker and founder of HeartsOfWellness.com.
Her mission is to empower women navigating Multiple Sclerosis to build a strong Foundation of Wellbeing: One Whole-istic™ Step at a Time.
She understands this journey well, as she has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for over three decades, since the age of 15. She has been inspired to lead other women on a healing path after realizing the gaps in care that affect so many lives. Her techniques have been personally tested and embraced by many.
In her free time she loves to read all about ancient history and travel to either the majestic mountains or the peaceful beaches.
Why It’s Healthy to Let Go of People and Things That No Longer Serve You
When you think about it, letting go is incredibly important. It’s what allows you to move on from the past, to embrace future possibilities, and to feel more at peace in the present moment. But it’s not always easy to do – and that’s okay.
In this article, we’re going to talk about why it’s healthy to let go of people and things that no longer serve you and how you can begin practicing letting go in your daily life. We’ll also share some helpful tips and strategies for tackling this difficult emotional and mental challenge.
On a more practical level, letting go can involve deciding not to stress over things that are outside of your control such as the weather or other people’s opinions. This can help you avoid feelings of anxiety and depression, which often arise when we’re overly focused on the things that we can’t change. Instead, it’s better to focus on what you can control, which might include finding healthy ways to express and process your emotions such as talking to a friend, working with a mentor, writing in a journal, or engaging in simple mindfulness practices.
Another example of letting go involves realizing that some people are not worth your time, energy and space. Maybe they’re toxic, and you need to make a clean break from them. Choosing to walk away from this kind of relationship, no matter how close you are to them, can be one of the most powerful decisions you ever make for your own well-being.
In some cases, letting go can be tricky business because it can be hard to pinpoint what exactly you’re clinging onto. It might be a memory, an expectation, a particular way you think about someone or something, or even the desire to keep some aspect of your identity from changing. In this case, a good place to start is by really thinking about what it is that you’re wanting to hold on to and why.
Perhaps there are some lessons to be learned from whatever it is you’re struggling to move on from and how this experience has shaped who you are today. Or maybe you’ve simply been through enough tough times to know that your resilience and strength can rise above what you’re enduring right now. Whatever the answer, naming and labelling what you’re trying to hang on to can make it much easier to let go once and for all.
When people or things no longer serve you, it can be hard to know what to do. But, as you learn to let go, the energy that you spent clinging on can be put toward welcoming something new into your life.
Letting go means releasing the doubt, fear, and worry that has attached itself to a person or circumstance. This doesn’t mean forgetting or forgiving; rather, it is a decision to stop ruminating about what’s out of your control and to open the doors to possibilities instead.
During the process of letting go, your monkey will scream in one ear and your wiser self whisper in the other. It can be difficult to hear your wiser self over the noise of the monkey – especially when you feel hurt and disappointed. However, if you take the time to focus on what is important to you (seeking opportunities, living joyfully, and surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy), it may be easier to cut ties and move on.
Eventually, you’ll be so busy doing the things that make you happy that you won’t even notice that you let go of someone or something. However, when the letting go process is still fresh in your mind, take a moment to remember that the hiding-under-the-covers phase, crying-over-a-tub-of-ice cream phase, and dying your hair a strange color phase were all necessary steps in order to get where you are now. Keep this in mind the next time you feel a pull to hang on to what no longer serves you.
To support you in creating a path to your dream life by way of simple steps, download your copy of the Hearts of Wellness 30-Day Journal + Blueprint Bundle Towards Living Your Best Life at heartsofwellness.com/you. It will support you in keeping your desired outcomes all in one place along with the Blueprint which will help you take small steps daily towards a better view of yourself. Benefit from improved self-talk, as well as writing your weekly gratitude list and celebrating your weekly wins. Discovering and living by your personalized playbook are important steps we can create together!
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YouTube Channel: youtube.com/@wendybjork
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Instagram: @theempressofms