By Mary Ann Faremouth,
It’s been said that the Dragonfly metaphor is all about change, adaptation, and progress. As a Career Coach and Placement Specialist, I believe we are all dealing with those aspects in the New Work World. The third step of the Faremouth Method, “Step Out of Your Comfort Zone,” comes to mind when I think about this amazing insect. The dragonfly has a very interesting life cycle. It goes through three very specific phases in its metamorphosis, which range from hatching the nymph phase to eventually becoming a spectacular dragonfly. Much of their existence is spent as a water creature, a nymph that breathes through gills and feeds on worms and tadpoles. Later, it begins to transform, and that journey of change forces it to undergo some 15 skin changes until its wings emerge. Both dragonflies and human beings are constantly stepping out of their comfort zone to adapt to life, as things are constantly changing, and nothing is static. Covid might have also brought this message to us in a very strong way. The dragonfly legend might be teaching us that to survive any environment, we need to shed our skin and let go of old forms. It’s only when this happens that we can become our best selves.
So many of the candidates I have talked to the last several months have felt their own “wings have been clipped” in the career arena in many instances, what they have known and experienced in their work world has been severely altered or changed. But maybe our friend the Dragonfly can teach us some important life lessons to give us hope for our career futures. Maybe being vulnerable to the changes is our superpower. Wings might take time to develop, and the flight path might not necessarily be linear. The willingness to adapt to these changes may be just the ticket needed for our success as we move into this new dimension of life.
Let’s take a look at what the Dragonfly might be teaching us by applying the third step of the Faremouth Method, “Step Out of Your Comfort Zone,” in the New Work World:
1. Change
In an article in the Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2015, there was a discussion about how scientists are studying dragonflies for applications that might very well apply to the New Work World. The article purports:
Dragonflies have a wide field of vision – 360 degrees. They see everything that is around them. How are you using all of the resources around you if you are dealing with major change in your career? If you are needing to secure employment or expand the career path you are in, are you utilizing all the resources around you? Are you contacting Career Consultants, previous bosses and/or contacts, joining networking groups, making sure your resume, LinkedIn Profile, all social media, etc., is done with the utmost professionalism?
2. Adaptation
How are you adapting to the changes Covid may have brought about in your career?
If you still have a job, congratulations. How can you expand and grow in your current role? If you feel you are in the wrong position or have been part of a downsizing effort,
how are you adapting to the changes now imminent to be able to find a job in the New Work World? Do you need to step out of your comfort zone and take more online classes to have the required software, such as Cloud applications, that are now so desired? Are you presenting yourself in a virtual or in-person interview in a way that demonstrates how you can adapt to a new work environment, bring value, and important skill sets to a new company to make a difference to the bottom line?
3. Progress
The Dragonfly has been known to move fast. Have you been “The Hunter” in your job search to go after the results you want and need? As the Wall Street Journal article mentions: “Move Fast – If you’ve done the diligence, set the objective, sifted
through the distractions, then move. Go after the goal.” What are you doing to secure the progress you need to move forward? In the New Work World, progress might not come quickly. You might have to invest in getting your resume professionally done, seek out the services of a career consultant, join networking groups, contact previous bosses and network associates, etc., to achieve the progress that you are looking for to move forward in your career endeavors. There is not a “one step fits all” method in the new work world but progress can be obtained if you put forth diligent effort as you do the right steps to gain your own new set of wings in your career.
Dragonflies have been reported to have incredible flight patterns and can change their direction of flight quickly. We are all dealing with a New Work World which requires us to also change our flight patterns to achieve career success. Take the lessons of the Dragonfly to be inspired to be motivated and flexible and adaptable in all your career endeavors. We can learn many life lessons from our friend, the Dragonfly. The Dragonfly has been a symbol of change, adaptation, and progress for many centuries. Ignite new hope and confidence in yourself and your abilities as you lay the groundwork for new opportunities. Let the beautiful lessons of the Dragonfly allow you to go on your own journey of exciting transformation and let your new wings soar to an exciting new level of success in the New Work World. With the right attitude, a plan of direction, you can create the success needed for your new adventure.
Mary Ann Faremouth
Mary Ann holds a CPC (Certified Personnel Consultant) credential, was certified by the Board of Regents of the National Association of Personnel Consultants in Washington, D.C., and was awarded an Advanced Communicator Bronze, Advanced Leader Bronze Awards by Toastmasters. She cofounded Jobs: Houston magazine in 1997. Mary Ann maintains affiliations with professional organizations, including oil and gas, financial, construction, IT, and structural, mechanical, and civil engineering. (
Mary Ann’s award-winning first book Revolutionary Recruiting has been listed by Book Authority as Number #1 Best 100 Recruiting Books; #1 Best Seller, Non-Fiction, Amazon (2019); Top 20 Recruiting books, Recruitics; Readers’ Choice finalist (2019), Houston Literary Awards; Best Non-Fiction (2018), Best Cover (2019), and Best Self-Help (2018), Authors Marketing Guild. Her books support individuals and corporations, tap into each candidate’s unrealized potential to find the right person for each job, maximizing both employee satisfaction and the employer’s bottom line. Mary Ann showcases her expertise of the recruiting world on a monthly podcast for The Price of Business and weekly articles for USA Business. Her new workbook, Revolutionary Reinvention, was recently released on Amazon. Mary Ann lives in Houston, Texas.