Hello and welcome to the Price of Business Show! I am James Kuczykowski, author of the spiritual guide to true joy and happiness entitled “Thy Will Be Done”. And I am delighted to have this personal visit with you today.
Thank you for tuning in. Thank you very much!
The purpose of this commentary is to share my experience, strength, and hope in order to give encouragement and hope to those who need a little encouragement and hope and I know there are many.
Over the last few months, I’ve been speaking about pathways to happiness.
Today, I want to focus on the power of prayer: Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have for all the battles of life and is the master key which opens the door to God’s own heart.
The power of prayer in a nutshell is this: all prayers are heard and answered. But in God’s time and in a way unforeseen by man.
God often answers prayers in mysterious ways. His wonders to behold and his answers to prayer often arrive disguised as misfortune.
We may not receive everything we ask for through prayer, but we always receive what we need.
Sometimes, the answer to our prayer is “no” but only because God has a better plan. God always has a better plan.
Now it should be known, prayers that seem not to be answered are only temporary setbacks and are assets of incomparable value.
Who to better quote on the power of prayer than Jesus Christ. Jesus of Nazareth gives us many promises, 2 of which are centered on answers to prayer that I will quote from the Gospel of John: “If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do ”(John 14:14). And “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give you”(John 16:23-24).
In my belief as a Catholic, the most powerful prayer we can possibly pray outside the sacrifice of the Mass for any intention is the simple repetition of the mighty name of “Jesus”. It was by the mighty name of Jesus that the rigid Roman Empire in the 1st century was converted to the new Christian religion and it was by the name of Jesus that the apostles performed all of their miraculous wonders. Moving forward to the 15th century, it was by the mighty name of Jesus that the plague that ravaged the earth quickly and miraculously vanished. Testimonies about the very real power of the name of Jesus abound, too numerous to recount.
One does well to always pray in this all-powerful name with a positive mental attitude. That is to wholeheartedly believe we are receiving that which we are praying for without having any degree of doubt or uncertainty and act as if what we are praying for is already in our possession.
Doubt and uncertainty are only imaginary ghosts and have no power if not let in the door of the fertile garden of the human mind.
But once allowed entrance to the human mind, these ghosts gain momentum and then are very difficult to overcome. Resist beginnings! All too late arrives the cure!
Next: the power of Eucharistic adoration:
This is going to sound perhaps weird and strange and very difficult for many but is something I have come to wholeheartedly believe through much prayer to the Holy Spirit and meditation on the Gospel institution of the Eucharist narratives: The Eucharist, I now believe, is Christ with us in the here and now with his body, blood, soul, and divinity hidden under the appearance of bread but truly physically present in the consecrated host and invites all of us to come and visit him so that we can get to know him and he get to know us.
This form of the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist does not exclude other forms of Christ’s true presence: Christ is omnipresent. There is no place on earth that Christ is not present and he is present wherever 2 or more are gathered together in his name. But through the Eucharistic, he is physically present in a miraculous way.
2 works worthy of mention written in our lifetime regarding the Eucharist are Saint Pope John Paul II’s encyclical “Ecclesia Eucharistica ” and Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s rosary meditation book “Loving Jesus with the Heart of Mary”. There are other works worthy of mention but too numerous to recount.
In those 2 previously mentioned works, one can catch the spirit of this man and woman’s deep love for our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. A love that was and still is contagious. And I highly recommend both of them.
To find out if my book meets your reading interests and what people around the U.S.A are saying about it, I invite you to visit my website: “thywillbedonebyjameskuczykowski.com”.
Best wishes, good luck to you and God bless you all. Bye now!