Why do you feel the sensations of hunger—that starts with a desire to eat and, if not fulfilled, can lead[...]
Author: Dr. John Poothullil
Based on more than 20 years of research into the medical literature, Dr. John Poothullil, MD, FRCP, is Board Certified in Pediatrics and Allergy and Immunology. An award-winning author and health advocate for lifestyle diseases.

Diet Increases LifespanDiet Increases Lifespan
0 Comments 4:33 pmIt is well recognized that Type 2 diabetes is associated with an overall shorter lifespan. For example, just by reducing[...]

How To Ensure Your Gut Bacteria Are BeneficialHow To Ensure Your Gut Bacteria Are Beneficial
0 Comments 9:38 pmYou can do a lot to ensure you are promoting good bacteria in your body. One way to foster the[...]

Diabetes Is A Lifestyle Condition That Can Be ReversedDiabetes Is A Lifestyle Condition That Can Be Reversed
0 Comments 7:21 pmIn my view, Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle situation, not a hormonal disease called “insulin resistance.” Consider a few[...]

Reconnect With Your Authentic Weight in 2024Reconnect With Your Authentic Weight in 2024
0 Comments 7:34 pmMany people set a goal of losing weight after the start of each New Year. If you want to commit[...]

The Necessity of Changing Your Diet if You Have Type 2 DiabetesThe Necessity of Changing Your Diet if You Have Type 2 Diabetes
0 Comments 5:10 pmDiabetologists usually recommend dietary changes and exercise, plus medications for people with Type 2 diabetes. Based on a patient’s age,[...]

Misinformation About the Cause of Type 2 DiabetesMisinformation About the Cause of Type 2 Diabetes
0 Comments 7:05 pmDr. B., a pediatrician; Mr. W., a researcher; Mr. J., a businessman; Mrs. K., a nurse; Mrs. R., a mother[...]