By Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC Valentine’s Day is an annual tradition celebrating love. Right after the Christmas holiday, we begin[...]
Tag: self-reflection

Rise Like the Phoenix in the New Work WorldRise Like the Phoenix in the New Work World
0 Comments 5:35 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC The word “hunter” means different things to different people. As human beings, we are all[...]

Is It Time To Embrace New Beginnings by Honoring Endings?Is It Time To Embrace New Beginnings by Honoring Endings?
0 Comments 8:31 pmWelcome to the latest episode of Igniting Your Dynamic Self with Wendy Bjork. Wendy is an international bestselling author, nationally[...]

“Tis the Season To Have an Attitude of Gratitude“Tis the Season To Have an Attitude of Gratitude
0 Comments 7:46 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC I recently heard a speaker recite a piece about gratitude that brought a smile to[...]

A Better Harvest for the New Work WorldA Better Harvest for the New Work World
0 Comments 2:19 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC This time of the year takes me back to my roots in Michigan and the[...]

Take Off the Mask in the New Work WorldTake Off the Mask in the New Work World
0 Comments 2:49 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC With Halloween right around the corner, I’ve been attending functions and dress-up parties and reflecting[...]

Moving Forward With Rays of HopeMoving Forward With Rays of Hope
0 Comments 4:24 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC The other day I received a package in the mail from a dear friend. It[...]

Cultivating Strong Relationships Produced “Revolutionary Results”Cultivating Strong Relationships Produced “Revolutionary Results”
0 Comments 2:59 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, CPC Mary Ann Faremouth’s father always told her that cultivating strong relationships in life could produce[...]

Writing as Our Companion for ChangeWriting as Our Companion for Change
0 Comments 2:52 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, The new year and the month of January always seems to have us reflect back[...]

Reinventing Our CareersReinventing Our Careers
0 Comments 3:30 pmBy Mary Ann Faremouth, When I sat down to write this article about the First Step of the Faremouth[...]