Lifestyle Author & Entrepreneur Mwanandeke Kindembo Reveals His Desires on Self-Help Books

Author & Entrepreneur Mwanandeke Kindembo Reveals His Desires on Self-Help Books

The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series. 

Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo, born November 11, 1996 in Baraka in the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a Congolese author of self-help books, artist, producer, YouTuber and Quora Top Writer 2018. He is an engineer by profession, philosopher, social critic by necessity and entrepreneur by choice. His appetite for writing emerged after graduation, when he completed a BEng (Hons) in Computer Engineering at TU Dublin. Subsequently, he became involved in philosophical, psychological, theological and mystical work. Which are the main subjects of his books.

Published Work:

His first book is What They Asked Me: The Fear of Living and Dying Young. The second book Treatise Upon the Misconceptions of Narcissism, was published in July 2020. His third book is titled The Hidden Secret of Quotes. It was published in November 2020, four months after the treatise on misconceptions about narcissism was published. The fourth book, Resistance to Intolerance, was released in February 2021. The fifth book, Sinless, was released in April 2021, and his latest book is called Destiny of Liberty, published in February 2022.

The themes of his books, or the five desires that every individual must experience in life are, in chronological order: Love > Wealth > Health > Power > Knowledge / Wisdom.


Online store – MwanaKin . Which stands for the name Mwanandeke Kindembo.

Where to know more about Mwanandeke Kindembo & his audiobooks? 

Google Search: 

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Audiobooks links-


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Amazon music: 



LastFm profile:  


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